2002 Ad Fontes Certamen
Level II - Final Round

Welcome to the finals of the 2002 Ad Fontes Certamen. Don't use numerals, just say in Latin two thousand and two. Duo milia et duo.
Bonus 1: If you wanted to say two thousand men, you would have to use duo milia virorum in Latin. What type of genitive is virorum in that sentence? Partitive genitive (genitive of the whole).
Bonus 2: The same case, of course, can carry different meanings. What kind of genitive is found in the phrase vir magnae virtutis? Genitive of description.

What war began as a dispute over the Sicilian city Messana and involved such generals as Regulus and Hamilcar Barca? The First Punic War.
Bonus 1: In the Second Punic War, Hannibal surprised the Romans by his lightning invasion of Italy. From what country did he set out? Spain.
Bonus 2: Carthage was finally destroyed, 146 B.C. by this famous Roman general. Scipio the Younger (Aemilianus).

In the sentence multos canes currentes vidimus, translate and give the grammatical part of speech for currentes? Running / present active participle.
Bonus 1: What is the number, case, and gender of currentes. Plural, masculine, accusative.
Bonus 2: The verb curro is a reduplicative. What is its 3rd principle part? cucurri. (Spell if not clearly enunciated).

Quid nomen tibi est is an example of what kind of dative? Dative of possession.
Bonus 1: Dux gladios militibus dedit is an example of what kind of dative? Dative of indirect object.
Bonus 2: Give the 4 principal parts of the verb from which "dative" derives. do, dare, dedi, datum.

I played a role in a number of myths and, although I was the aunt of Medea, I am most famous for turning Odysseus' men into swine. Circe.
Bonus 1: Circe also turned her lover Picus into a bird. What offense had he committed? He has been unfaithful.
Bonus 2: Circe was the daughter of what Titan? Helios.

How did the plebeians force concessions from the patricians in early Rome? By leaving the city (the seccessions of the plebs).
Bonus 1: How many times did they do this? 3.
Bonus 2: What provision of the 12 Tables particulary irked the plebeians? Prohibition of intermarriage between patricians and plebs.

Who would win the "most faithful wife contest" in the ancient world, waiting 20 years for her husband's return. Penelope.
Bonus 1: What son of Odyssius and Penelope stayed at home during the war? Telemachus.
Bonus 2: Where was the kingdom of Odysseus? Ithaca.

Participles got their name from the Latin verb to share, because they share the characteristics of what two parts of speech? Verb / adjective.
Bonus 1: What declension pattern do present participles follow? 3rd.
Bonus 2: Here's a 50/50 question. Are present participles i-stems (i.e., do they have a -ium in their genitive plural)? Yes.

Pompey built the first permanent one in Rome. Balbus erected one soon after. Then Augustus built one for Marcellus. What were these popular buildings? Theaters.
Bonus 1: Pompey's theater was the scene of what famous political event? Assassination of Caesar.
Bonus 2: Which of these theaters - Pompey's, Bablus' or Marcellus' - can still be seen standing in Rome? Marcellus'.

In the phrase "This is the animal which I saw in the forest", what would be the form of the relative pronoun? Quod.
Bonus 1: What is the gender, case and number of quod? Neuter accusative singular.
Bonus 2: Change quod to plural. Quae.

We are three old women, right feared by all. We spin, measure and then cut the thread of life. Who are we? The Fates / Parcae. Clotho (the spinner), Lachesis (the measurer), Atropos (the cutter).
Bonus 1: Name them. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos.
Bonus 2: Now tell me which one spun, which measures, which cut. Clotho (the spinner), Lachesis (the measurer), Atropos (the cutter).

pons : pontium :: dux : ________. Ducum.
Bonus 1: Speaking of dux and its related words, what two forms can duci be? Dative of dux, passive infinitive of duco.
Bonus 2: dux : ducibus :: manus : . Manibus.

Well, let's continue that in another field. Theseus is to Ariadne as Jason is to this person. Medea.
Bonus 1: Medea, however, got her revenge for being abandoned by Jason. What did she do? Killed their children.
Bonus 2: Medea was a maga‹a witch‹who came from what Black Sea land? Colchis.

Give the 1st person plural, future active indicative form of porto, portare. Portabimus.
Bonus 1: Now make that passive. Portabimur.
Bonus 2: Now make the active, pluperfect. Portaveramus.

Name a Roman historian. Livy, Sallust, Tacitus, etc.
Bonus 1: Name a Roman playwright. Terence, Plautus, Seneca.
Bonus 2: Name a famous Roman writer of letters. Pliny, Cicero, Fronto.

What famous ruins still exist in Rome, to the east of the Circus Maximus, which were enormous baths built by one of the sons of Septimus Severus. Baths of Caracalla.
Bonus 1: The baths would have different types of pools. Name one of them and tell me what type of bath it was. Frigidarium (cold bath), tepidarium (warm bath), calidarium (hot bath).
Bonus 2: Do the same for another. Frigidarium (cold bath), tepidarium (warm bath), calidarium (hot bath).

What three animals were involved in the great sacrifice suovetaurila? Pig, sheep, bull.
Bonus 1: During the sacrifice, the Romans would attempt to determine the will of the gods. How was this done? By inspecting the entrails of the animals.
Bonus 2: After the sacrifice, the Romans would have a feast, eating the best part of the animal and leaving only the fat, bones, and guts for the gods. What son of a Titan tricked Zeus into choosing the worst part of the sacrifice, thus establishing the custom? Prometheus.

There are a number of famous lovers in ancient mythology. Philemon and Baucis lived in Babylon, but what lovely maiden was spirited off to a never-never land by her invisible lover Cupid? Psyche.
Bonus 1: What lie did Psyche's evil sisters tell her in order to have Psyche investigate the identify of her lover? That he was a serpent, fattening her up for the kill.
Bonus 2: As punishment for Psyche, Venus gave her the task of dividing an enormous pile of grain into different types of seeds. Who helped Psyche accomplish this task? Ants.

What is the motto and its meaning of this great Commonwealth? Sic semper tyrannis / thus always to tyrants.
Bonus 1: The motto of South Carolina is "While I breathe, I hope". What is it's Latin form? Dum spiro, spero.
Bonus 2: The motto of New York is "Ever upwards". What is that in Latin? Excelsior.

What is the Latin relative pronoun in this sentence: "I know the men whose sons were saved". Quorum.
Bonus 1: What is the Latin relative pronoun in this sentence: "Does he have a fast ship on which I can sail to Greece?" qua.
Bonus 2: What is the Latin relative pronoun in this sentence: "There are the boys to whom I gave the gifts". Quibus.